How Can I Get Health Insurance?

Find Out If You Are Insured Through Your Parents Policy. About 80% of UNL students are insured through their parents´ health insurance policy. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), young adults can stay on their parents´ health insurance until they are 26 years old. For more information on how the ACA may affect you, go to

Student Health Insurance. If you can´t get coverage through your parents´ policy, the University of Nebraska offers insurance through UnitedHealthcare. Information about student insurance can be found at the Student Accounts website.

UNL Graduate Assistants. If you are awarded a graduate assistantship at UNL you will also be offered partially subsidized health insurance under UnitedHealthcare for yourself and your dependents. If you don´t want this health insurance you must complete a waiver form within 14 days of the start of each semester. 

International Students. International students studying at UNL are required to carry UnitedHealthcare Student Insurance unless proof of insurance from an outside source is provided. International students are required to submit a waiver of health insurance and proof of outside insurance within 14 days of the beginning of each semester at UNL. In the absence of a waiver, the insurance premium will be automatically placed on your Student Account Statement. For more information go to the Student Accounts website.  

Keep the Health Insurance You Previously Had. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) allows you to temporarily continue the health insurance coverage you had with a previous employer. You may also be eligible for health insurance through COBRA if you lost your group coverage due to a death, divorce, or loss of your status as a dependent child.

If you keep your health insurance through COBRA you must pay the entire premium yourself instead of sharing it with the employer as before.

If you become eligible for health insurance through COBRA you must be given at least 60 days to decide whether you want to buy the coverage. The coverage usually only extends for 18 months if you are a former employee and for 3 years if you are a child or ex-spouse of the former employee. For more information, click on COBRA