Form A1: Preliminary Executive Officer Candidate Filing Form

All executive officer candidates must complete a two-stage filing process in order to appear on the ballot. Form A must be filed by 5 p.m. on the filing deadline, Thursday, March 6, 2025. Filing this form will ensure that your name is included on Form B, which is a portal you will use to collect the requisite number of signatures required to appear on the ballot. Please note that candidates for President/Student Regent and Internal Vice President will appear on Form B and the ballot together per the ASUN Constitution, but each must file Form A1 individually. If you are running for any office as an independent, please write “independent” where you are asked for an SEG name. Be sure to read the acknowledgment of the agreement carefully as it contains important information for you.


Presidential and Internal Vice Presidential candidates will run as a ticket on the ballot.

Lincoln Address

I have read and affirm that I agree to the following:

I have good academic standing with the University (2.0 cumulative GPA, and not on academic or disciplinary probation, as determined by each major administrative unit) during the academic term while running for and/or holding office. To the best of my knowledge, the information I have provided on this form is an accurate account of my experiences at UNL. I am currently enrolled at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the current spring semester in the required minimum credit hours for the office for which I am running (President/Student Regent, Internal Vice President, and External Vice President: six hours, excluding thesis, correspondence and independent study courses, and summer sessions credits, with certain exceptions made in accordance with the Electoral Commission Rules; GSA President and GSA Executive Vice President: nine hours).

I completed 24 hours of approved UNL credit hours during the two years prior to the academic term in which office is sought and have been in residence during the previous semester. I hereby agree that I am willing to attend Board of Regents meetings held monthly, and am aware of the importance of attending Senate meetings held every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. during the regular academic year. I agree to resign if I become unable to attend Senate meetings held every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. during the regular academic year. I understand that the University reserves the right to verify my felony conviction record with the appropriate law enforcement agencies. I understand that anyone convicted of a felony who has not had their civil rights restored by the date set for filing for candidacy in Student Government elections will be ineligible to stand for election as Student Body President/Student Regent. I understand that the requisite number of eligible voter signatures that I must collect through Form B by the established deadline for this office is 200, with eligible voters signing for President and Internal Vice President together.

I understand that In order to conduct a background check, the Electoral Commission needs my Social Security Number. I will arrange a time with the Electoral Commission Director or a member of the ASUN staff prior to the preliminary filing deadline to securely transmit my social security number and answer questions for a felony background check.

I completed 24 hours of approved UNL credit hours during the two years prior to the academic term in which office is sought and have been in residence during the previous semester. I hereby acknowledge that my position requires attending and presiding over Senate meetings held every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. during the regular academic year. I agree to resign if I become unable to attend Senate meetings held every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. during the regular academic year. I understand that the requisite number of eligible voter signatures that I must collect through Form B by the established deadline for this office is 200, with eligible voters signing for President and Internal Vice President together.

I completed 24 hours of approved UNL credit hours during the two years prior to the academic term in which office is sought and have been in residence during the previous semester. I am aware of the importance of attending Senate meetings held every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. during the regular academic year. I agree to resign if I become unable to attend Senate meetings held every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. during the regular academic year. I understand that the requisite number of eligible voter signatures that I must collect through Form B by the established deadline for this office is 100.

I understand that the requisite number of eligible voter signatures that I must collect through Form B by the established deadline for this office is 75.

I understand that the requisite number of eligible voter signatures that I must collect through Form B by the established deadline for this office is 50.

I hereby authorize the Vice Chancellor of Student Life, or their designee, to check my academic, disciplinary, and other institutional records to verify my eligibility to be a candidate for office or committee appointment, and to continue to serve in such positions during future semesters. I understand that this authorization provides permission to verify the requirements, while duly holding this office or appointment, specified in the Board of Regents Policy as well as additional requirements as stated by ASUN.

I understand that falsification of this or any Electoral Commission form will result in a penalty, including removal from the ballot, and may be considered a violation of the UNL Student Code of Conduct. I understand that the current Electoral Commission Rules can be found on the ASUN Website. I agree to follow these rules and all Electoral Commission regulations. I recognize that it is my responsibility to uphold standards appropriate to an academic community. I agree to run a campaign which fulfills this responsibility.

I understand that by filing this form I am not guaranteed access to the ballot. I understand that this preliminary filing form only gives me all other rights and privileges as a candidate, including access to Form B where a requisite number of eligible voters will have to digitally sign their support for me by the appropriate deadline as established in the Electoral Commission Rules in order for my name to appear on the ballot. I understand that if I am elected, I will be required to attend an ASUN orientation session to be scheduled at a later date following the election. I acknowledge and agree to the specific provisions for the office for which I am running, including that I will not appear on the ballot unless I collect the requisite number of eligible voter signatures for my office.

Type your full legal name.