Form A1: Preliminary Executive Officer Candidate Filing Form


Submissions for this form are closed.

Form A1: Preliminary Executive Officer Candidate Filing Form

All executive officer candidates must complete a two-stage filing process in order to appear on the ballot. Form A must be filed by 5 p.m. on the filing deadline, Thursday, March 7, 2024. Filing this form will ensure that your name is included on Form B, which is a portal you will use to collect the requisite number of signatures required to appear on the ballot. Please note that candidates for President/Student Regent and Internal Vice President will appear on Form B and the ballot together per the ASUN Constitution, but each must file Form A1 individually. If you are running for any office as an independent, please write “independent” where you are asked for an SEG name. Be sure to read the acknowledgment of the agreement carefully as it contains important information for you.