What is the Senate?
The Senate is a group of elected officials from all UNL colleges that introduce and vote on legislation pertaining to students in terms of academics, residence life, RSOs, and more.
All actions taken by ASUN must be written into legislation, which is then discussed, amended, and adopted by the ASUN Senate.
The ASUN Senate meets weekly at 6:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union or Nebraska East Union. All meetings are open to the public and members of the UNL community may address the Senate during Open Forum.
ASUN Legislation
Current Session Senate Documents
All Senate documents pertaining to the current academic year can be found online below.
Archived Legislation
To view legislation and documents from 1965 until the previous academic year, please use this link.
Prior to 1965
Please contact University Archives and Special Collections with any document requests dated prior to 1965.
Note: To see documents online, you must be a University of Nebraska affiliate. If you are outside the University System, you may submit a request for documents using this form. Legislation can also be viewed in the ASUN office, Nebraska Union 136.