Through student fees, students are granted a number of services from ASUN Student Government that range from legal help to grants for environmental initiatives and projects. ASUN Student Government seeks to be responsible stewards of student fee dollars not only in our changing yearly programming, but also in our permanently provided services.
Green Fund
The ASUN Green Fund provides grant funds for student-led projects aimed at improving overall environmental sustainability at the University. The fund and its grant-approval committee enables student-driven projects in sustainability by providing a source of funding, guidance, hands-on experience, and networking.
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Student Legal Services
Student Legal Services (SLS) is a program of ASUN funded completely by student fees. SLS offers free legal advice and representation to registered UNL students. UNL Student Legal Services (SLS) is located on City Campus in Room 335 of the Student Union.
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Student Readership Program
The Student Readership Program is an ASUN service that provides free, digital copies of Wall Street Journal, the Omaha World Herald, the Lincoln Journal Star, and The New York Times. Newspapers can be online using your UNL credentials on each publishers site. To learn how to access these resources, please click below. The Student Readership Program is funded by student fees.
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